1997 SW BA 18-2 CNC Machining Center # 7006

No longer available

1997 SW BA 18-2 CNC Machining Center # 7006

Location:Badajoz, Spain


ModelBA 18
Stock Number7006
Higth2700 mm
Loing5200 mm
Width2700 mm
Weight6000 Kg
Voltage380 V
Cnc markeSIEMENS
Cnc model840 C
Total power28 Kva
Cone spindleSK 40
Do not. speedsFrom 10 to 10,000 rpm
Max tool length225 mm
Number of tools2 x 36
Progress axis xFrom 0 to 25 meters x minutes
Progress axis zFrom 0 to 25 meters x minutes
Ø main spindle55 mm
Dimensions table2 x 600 x 375 mm
Progress axis andFrom 0 to 25 meters x minutes
Main spindle power9 Kw each spindle
Vertical stroke (z)350 mm
Transversal stroke (y)350 mm
Longitudinal travel (x)500 mm each post
SpecificationOf production